

BMFA affiliation no. 2581

construction and finish competition
information and rules

From the December 2003 Sloping Off, then edited by Trevor Hewson

“Following the decision to move the AGM to May, the committee discussed the impact on the annual Construction & Finish competition. We quickly realised that, for as long as any of us can remember, this comp has enjoyed a similar status to the British Constitution - everyone is quite sure that they know what the rules are, but there is nothing written down! This seemed like a good opportunity to correct that omission, so Mike Roach kindly agreed to put finger to keyboard.”

1. The Construction and Finish (C&F) competition will be held annually, to find the member's model aircraft that, in the opinion of the judges, has been best constructed and finished. There is no limit on the number of entries a member may bring for judging, but each must be their own work and must be capable of free or radio controlled flight.

2. A model must be presented for judging in 2 stages:
a) At some point in the building and finishing process, the model must be brought to a club meeting when it will be assessed by the appointed judges (AJ). This may be done on more than one occasion and state of build, at the member's discretion.
b) When it is finished and has flown successfully, the model must be brought to the AGM, when it will be judged against all other entries.

3. Judging will be in 2 stages:
a) At club meetings, and in order to give continuity to the competition, the AJs for that year will mark entries according to their preference.
b) At the AGM, the AJs will confirm or amend the marks they have given during the year. In addition, all members attending the meeting will be offered the opportunity to judge all models (except their own) using a simple format arranged by the AJs. Members' marks will then be aggregated and will form 50% of the total marks for each model.

4. Members must bring sufficient documentation to the AGM to identify their model and its basic characteristics (i.e. scratch, plan or kit built, dimensions, flying weight, power etc.). Additional documentation and photographs to support their entries may be produced, but this is not mandatory.

5. During the judging process, only AJs may touch the models.

6. In the event of a tie, the AJs' decision is final.

In his “Chairman’s Chatter” in the September 2007 issue of Sloping Off, the Chairman alludes to changes to these rules, but they have not yet been published.  Watch this space!

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