
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club


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What is there to say? This is a great issue, thanks to all the contributors. There is everything in here from the secrets of thermal soaring to the conversion of a modeller from aeromodelling to railway modelling without using complex tools.

The long winter seems to be easing its grip on our weather system and some flying has been possible. I, for instance, have crashed two models already, creating much-needed space in my “work”shop and decorating the grass at Strawberry Field with my tears, balsa and ply, so the future looks bright.

Permission to fly at the lake at Longham still has not been given, although we are promised a decision early next month. The Club Committee has very kindly offered to take the water flying group under its administrative wing in return for members having access to free permits to fly there. If we get permission to fly, it will be restricted to electric-powered flying boats or floatplanes, so get that foam out and convert yours. After March, naturally.

Mike Roach

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