
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

club meetings - wednesday 2 february 2011

Models brought for discussion and pre-C&F judging: Zero by Bob Besant from a Tony Nijhuis plan.  Short Tucano by Tim Calvert and DH Chipmunk by Trevor Hewson

the secrets of soaring by ian duff

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Study the picture on the right very carefully - it contains all the secrets that made Ian World Champion. If you missed his talk, very hard luck, you will never crack the code!

My notes taken on the night are not much better, but for what they’re worth, here they are!


The Plane is talking to you, ie it must be just sensitive enough.

Go to the slope first for initial trimming.

Use “Launch Mode” and “Flight Mode” on your TX.

12 degrees flap is maximum, 4-6 degrees aileron reflex to give the effect of washout - greater aileron deflection as you improve.


What to watch for: birds circling, feeding, flapping, birdsong (having a good time).

High ground, topography.

Changes in temperature.

Cloud (darker cloud, more active underneath), dust, seeds.

Don’t fly too slowly - one click down.

And that’s it. Go away and PRACTICE.

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