Note that the limit on model numbers is withdrawn, the judging system is changed, the type of model has been changed and if possible there will be a flying element to the competition.
This annual competition is designed to encourage model aircraft building within the Club, in these categories:
1. Built models, either from a kit or “own design” which have successfully flown (the winner is awarded the Ripmax Shield)
2. Built models that have not flown - “Hangar Queens”.
3. ARTF models.
Completed models in each category shall be judged at either the September Club meeting or at a meeting at Oldfield, also in September.
In order that the construction element can be assessed, models should also be brought along in unfinished state to at least one earlier meeting.
When presented at the September meeting for final judging, the model must be supported by a completed data sheet (available HERE and on the day). During the judging, all members present will be invited to view and score the models.
Prizes will also be awarded for the best model in each category (and from a member who has not previously won the competition in category 1) and (if the weather is suitable) for the best flight of any of the models present.
The winner of the shield will be asked to be the chief judge in the following year and is requested to arrange the judging, whether at Oldfield or the Village Hall.
Scoring shall be by a cumulative points system. All members present will be asked to score each model out of 10 points on the basis of both its construction and finish (in categories 1 and 2) and finish in category 3. The builder of the highest scoring model in each category shall be the winner.