Sloping Off - September 2005


by Mike Roach

Many thanks to all the contributors to this issue of “Sloping Off”.   The Chairman writes about his “pre-owned” Fournier and Trevor Hewson has opened a new chapter in his family history by discovering that, at the beginning of the last century, a relative made the first model aircraft to fly sucessfully with an internal combustion engine.  Not only that, but this relatively unknown pioneer made both the model and the motive power!

B Leonard Wise makes his second foray into aeromodelling, making the classic beginner’s choice of Spitfire.  That Mitchell chap had a lot to answer for.  Hard as I try not to, I can only imagine Mr Wise as a reincarnation of my first CO (also a BL and also something of a difficult man).  He had a Bristol 405 and on his first date with his wife-to-be he took her to a smart London restaurant.  After lunch they went back out to the car only for him to find he had somehow locked the keys in the car.  To appear manly and decisive he smashed the front quarter light and was immediately arrested by a constable and taken to the local nick.  I assure you, it’s true.

Terry Sullivan reports on the successful (if sparsely attended) Grange Hill (sorry, Grange School) Fete and Brian Wiseman sends his views on not such a good “Big” event at North Weald. 

I have included all the articles, pieces, photos, reportage and so on that was submitted this time but, even after leaving out four pages from the printed edition, there was still space to fill, so I have included a piece of my own on scratch building. Sorry if you get AMI; you've seen it already!

At this time of year I am to be found sitting in a RIB doing Race Officer for the Army Windsurfing Championships.  can you guess where they were this year?

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