Sloping Off - March 2002

Caption Competition Results

Whilst people seem generally to have enjoyed the cartoon, this one doesn't seem to have sparked your creativity quite as much as last time. I only managed to round up entries from four people - and one of those was by taking dictation!

Hopefully there's enough lead this time! - Dave Maskell
At Least the Cof G is right! - Derek Longman
After the thermal had removed his collar, tie, moustache, hat and wig, the Chairman decided to ballast accordingly - Mike Roach
Dangers of Metrication (No 173) "....and a few kilogrammes of ballast may be necessary in stronger winds" - Mike Roach
Picture of our newest member, another Smith! - Gordon Coy
It's the wind in the ears, you know. When he asked me for help, what I actually said was "Try Granville" - Trevor Hewson

The above entries were submitted (anonymously) to the artist, Phil Lockwood, who has once again kindly judged the competition and selected the second of Mike Roach's two entries. Congratulations to Mike on what I think is his third win in a row.

As always, my thanks to all who took part - I hope I didn't twist your arm too hard!

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