...Christchurch and District Model Flying Club’s Magazine for August 2023

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Jon Goddard1


Hi to all,

What a mixed bag of weather we have had over Spring and early Summer. It’s a real pity that the wonderful spell of very hot sunshine and half decent winds had to come to an end. It was really something to see the large number of members turning up day after day at Oldfield. Unfortunately, these halcyon conditions have turned into very strong winds that are not easily to fly in if at all. The slope soarers have a good time if brave enough to face the conditions Yet again we have thank our superhero Alex who has put such a lot into improving the field and facilities. Not to forget the mowing team and the many “volunteer” work parties.

The club seems to go from strength to strength with a steady inflow of new members who are all very welcome. Mike, our Club Secretary, has organised two fantastic make and fly competitions at our monthly meetings at Bransgore Village Hall. (see later pages - Ed)
